b'MEMBER RESULTS 2024EnvironmentFurther adoption of science-based targets is necessary for credible climate action plans and alignment with international climate goals.ENVIRONMENTALPERFORMANCE ELECTRICITYGreenhouse Gas Emissionsdevelopment. Although 60% of members have Total gross GHG emissions per capita haveexisting emissions reduction targets or targets continued to slowly increase since 2021 due toin development, only 19% of members have the continued increase in air travel. Gross percommitted to near-term science-based targets capita emissions increased by 8.3% since 2023,and 14% have committed net-zero science- O BUSINESSU R TRAVELfollowing a 27% annual increase last year frombased targets. 2022. EIt is important for firms to recognise that any Air travel accounts for 71% of total emissions,climate action plan must be underpinned byNincreasing from 62% last year, resulting from bothcredible science-based emissions reductionVan increase in air travel and a decrease in Scopetargets to align with international commitments 2 emissions due to further uptake of greenunder the UNFCCC Paris Agreement. I PAPER USEelectricity purchases. Electricity use (Scope 2)Raccounts for 26% of emissions, decreasing fromPaper35% last year. Paper consumption per capita increased byO21% since 2023. Therefore, despite initiatives Although gross per capita emissions increasedto reduce printing and paper consumption, from last year, net per capita emissionsefforts have fallen short. The percentage ofNdecreased by 15%, which reflects the effortsrecycled paper also reduced from 35% to 29%, of those members who are offsetting theirhighlighting that there is opportunity for further emissions through carbon offset purchases. improvements of paper procurement practices.M & OFFSE ELECTRIC RENEWABCarbon Offsets Waste In 2024, AusLSA members purchased voluntaryLaw firms have extensive systems for recycling carbon offsets totally 33,127 tonnes CO2. Bothand reuse of materials with almost all the 174E T T LIcarbon offsets and green electricity purchasesreporting offices providing recycling systems.S Y Eare increasing over time as firms continue to99% percent of offices recycled their paper, implement their climate action plans and make98% separated and recycled their comingledNfurther progress towards their GHG emissionspackaging, 82% separated their organic waste, reduction targets. and 89% recycled or provided reuse options for their computer and other ICT products. TheT EMEN AG N A M E T S ING LClimate Policy and Targets opportunity exists to improve upon this through & WA YC EC RFirms are continuing to develop formal climateimprovements to the circularity of ICT equipment action commitments. 31% of members havethrough product purchasing and reuse implemented a climate action plan, and anarrangements with suppliers. additional 36% have a climate action plan inTMANAGEMENTRISK& CODES'