b'2024 AusLSAOUR PEOPLE OUR ENVIRONMENTSUSTAINABILITY SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS: SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS:PROFILE Our core values of respect and achieving beyond expectations,We are committed to sustainability within our own operations, underpin our workplace culture and people strategy, comprising ofstriving to reduce our environmental impact through energy these key elements:efficiency, waste reduction, and responsible sourcing of office materials.Excellence and inclusiveness: We promote a dynamic culture that fosters growth and individual success, creating an environment forStanton & Stanton has committed to the Government Climate high achievers. By integrating people programs into our overallActive Carbon Neutral certification. We are carbon neutral and business strategy, we ensure that excellence and inclusiveness are atmeasure our emissions in line with the federal governments the forefront of everything we do.Climate Active Standard. We fully offset our remaining Supportive leadership: Our leaders are committed to supporting ouremissions through the retirement of carbon offset units eligible people throughout their career journey. This is achieved throughunder that standard. We aligned our carbon credit purchase regular weekly one-on-one feedback sessions and an educationalwith the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. seminar series, providing continuous guidance and developmentInvesting only in credits that achieved the UN (SDG) opportunities.certifications to further support people in need.Evolving work environment: We constantly adapt to offer aFollowing our Climate Active certification, we implemented an respectful, flexible, and inclusive workplace. Our commitment to theEmissions Reduction Strategy. An iatrical part focused on our advancement of women is reflected in our equal female/male ratio onoffice premises being 100% green-powered by 2030, we have our board and management team, demonstrating our dedication tosince made big changes to achieve this within 2024. With a data diversity and equality.driven approach we achieve tangible improvements that our staff feel empowered by and proud of. Stanton & StantonBeyond standards: We strive to exceed industry norms in ourIn addition to our internal practices, we support clients in Headcount:20 (FTE) approach to people management. By fostering a culture ofadopting environmentally responsible practices, including continuous improvement, we ensure that our people exceed the reducing waste, conserving water and energy, and sourcing Floor Area:6,564m2 standards, driving both personal and organisational success. sustainable ingredients. We advise on compliance with environmental regulations and help develop strategies that Number of Offices : 1 align with their sustainability goals. GENDER50% 62% 75% 100% CLIMATEEQUALITY ACTIONAt Stanton & Stanton, we go beyond the law with a deep understanding of the foodINITIATIVES: and beverage, wine, agribusiness, real International Womens DayTraining - Gender awareness unconscious biasINITIATIVES:TelecommutingSpecify energy efficient appliancesTeleconferencing estate and projects, and water sectors. We LSNSW Charter - Advancement of WomenWomen on Boards facilities and trainingPolicy on flight offsetsClimate Active Program offer specialist commercial and legal Climate Active - Carbon NeutralEfficient building and lighting automationForced computer shutdownVoluntary Carbon Offsets advice tailored to our clients businessINCLUSIVE Energy audits in previous two yearsneeds. Navigating the law on our clients WORKPLACEbehalf, we achieve the best commercialGROSS EMISSIONSand legal outcomes for them.86t - 4.3t per employee We go beyond our clients immediate requirements to positively influence their16.6% 0% 14.4tsectors, businesses, and our workplaceBUILDINGS 16.7%and profession. We have a genuineFLEXIBLE0.00m 22t/passion and commitment to community, WORKPLACE 0 0 100% 0% 83%sustainability, diversity and inclusion, proTRAVEL 72tbono, and being an excellent workplace3 83%.6t/e oy e eplfor our employees and contractors.INITIATIVES:mThe success of our clients drives us, and Flexible work hoursRemote working tools and systemsSupport for flexible workingTime in lieuUnpaid leaveCarers leaveStudy leave0% 100%we are passionate about working Volunteering leaveDomestic violence leave GREEN alongside like-minded businesses. OurENERGY core values that drive our business arePSYCHOLOGICAL respect, achievement and adding value. WELLBEING NET EMISSIONSWe treat our clients and stakeholders the0t - 0t per employeesame way we treat close friends, building long and lasting relationships based onINITIATIVES: mutual trust and understanding.R U OK? program ENVIRONMENTALMANAGEMENTPHYSICALWELLBEINGRECYCLING100%INITIATIVES:Flu vaccinationsInternal exercise sessionsTeam events OFFICES Onsite fruit and healthy cateringPAPERUSAGEPAPER CERTIFICATION:Forestry Stewardship Council (FSC) certified'