b'CASE STUDY: NORTON ROSE FULBRIGHTCHALLENGESImplementing a net zero strategy aligned withWhile investing resources in an ESG committee Science-Based Targets requires significantpresents challenges, we view it as an essential part operational and behavioural changes acrossof doing business and fulfilling our part in society the firm, including policy revision, staff training,as a socially responsible business in the current and enhancements to public data disclosureclimate crisis.processes. Achieving this whole-of-firm transformation relies on executive leadership to steer the necessary changes. SOLUTIONS AND ACTIONSIn 2024, NRFA established a new governanceThe establishment of an executive level structurethe Australian Partnership Councilcommittee aligns our internal governance with ESG Committee: Climate Change (ESGclient expectations, enhances accountability for Committee)to oversee and be accountablesustainability commitments, demonstrates to for all sustainability and climate-related matters.stakeholders NRFAs commitment to a net zero The committee includes Partnership Councilstrategy, and embeds ESG considerations into members with ESG expertise, business leaderscore business processes. responsible for key emission sources, and other firm ESG leaders. Its role is to guide and advance the firms net zero strategy.RECOMMENDATIONSUnderstanding your firms stance on sustainability reporting and appetite for the implementation of a net zero strategy is important before investing time and resources into establishing a committee at executive level. Having a detailed plan is also essential to ensure committee members understand their roles, responsibilities and are held accountable for the implementation of the firms sustainability strategy.Based on our learnings following the establishment of our ESG Committee, recommend that other law firms consider the following:Appoint a dedicated sustainability managerEngage external experts when needed for to spearhead sustainability initiatives,sustainability reporting, data collection, and oversee strategy implementation, andemissions calculations.manage data collection and reporting inSet up chargeable files to operationalise the coordination with the ESG Committee. firms sustainability strategy, to incentivise Upskill and utilise existing firm resourcesand reinforce the importance of the ESG where possible. There may be members atCommittees oversight, and to objectively the firm with skills and interest who will bemeasure the value of the work done to able to assist the ESG Committee. Havingsupport the firm.staff who support the ESG Committee and the firms climate action strategy also improves the firms overall behaviour shift towards improved sustainability practices.23'