b'OUR ENVIRONMENT OUR COMMUNITY OUR GOVERNANCESUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS: SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS: SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS:DCC understands the importance of promoting sustainabilityDCC supports charity and community work as part of ourDCC is a subsidiary of QANTM Intellectual Property (QIP) within the workplace.engagement within the communities in which we and our employeesand is subject to Governance policies that apply group-wide. We have available areas for recycling to encourage goodwork and live.The oversight for Davies Collison Cave is provided through environmental behaviours. We continue to develop plans for ourOur pro bono engagement seeks a proactive role in providing legalthe 3 Directors and a National Management Committee workplace sustainability including a recycling program to engageassistance to those organisations that provide services to thewhich comprises the Group Managing Principal (who is also and educate staff as paper usage is high within our industry.community including Assistance Dogs Australia, Guide Dogsthe Managing Director), The Managing Principals of each Australia, and Starlight Childrens Foundation. Our employeesbusiness group, and Principal representation from various of DCC offers and promotes remote working for work life balancesupport a variety of fundraising initiatives throughout the year.our offices. and in turn reduces commuter travel fuel emissions. We haveThis management group meets on a fortnightly basis and office plants to boost air quality, absorb pollutants and releaseMany of our lawyers hold voluntary roles in organisations that arereports outcomes to the Principal stakeholders. All Principals oxygen back into the air. Our paper products are 100% recyclableproactively engaged in supporting, the IP profession, including INTA,and Senior Managers (of finance, P&C, and marketing) also throughout our offices and we continue to utilise ethical suppliersIPTA, LESANZ, IPSANZ, AIPPI, FIPCPI, Marques and APAA.attend a quarterly meeting to enable a firm-wide with sustainable products, delivery and packaging optionsEducational opportunities are provided at several tertiary institutions,understanding of activities and to provide input on strategic wherever possible. foundations. initiatives. Our Business Support Services team remain at the forefront ofDCC provides support to the Australian start-up community bySenior Managers within the business also meet with the developing, promoting and managing this initiative, with theproviding educational seminars and mentoring to start-upGroup Managing Principal on a regular basis.support of our company leaders. This is promoted via companycommunities and University-based incubator programs. DCC makes huddles, intranet, and staff. these contributions internationally as part of its engagement with overseas institutions, particularly WIPO. Our volunteer engagement demonstrates our commitment to bettering our community both in our specialised services and by demonstrating our sense of citizenship.CLIMATEINDIGENOUSCODE OF CONDUCT ACTIONRECONCILIATION /RISK MANAGEMENTINITIATIVES:Green Star rated buildings 4-6 starNational Greenhouse and EnergyINITIATIVES: Reporting (NGERs) compliant reportingEarth HourReconciliation Action PlanCultural awareness trainingNAIDOC WeekNational Reconciliation WeekGROSS EMISSIONS445t - 2.1t per employeeNON LEGALVOLUNTEERING % SUSTAINABLE SUPPLY 0% 0.07% 306tCHAIN MANAGEMENT69%INITIATIVES:NFP BoardsPaid volunteer timeStudent tutoring and mentoring 31% 0%Skilled volunteering programCommunity volunteering139t0 31% CHARITABLE . 6 7t/e y e e 0/elo t ploy e ep mGIVING % SUSTAINABILITY m0%REPORTINGCARBON OFFSETS INITIATIVES:Matched fundingfor employee donationsInternal appeals and collectionsExternal charity events and appealsHost external charity eventsNET EMISSIONS445t - 2.1t per employee LEGALPRO BONOENVIRONMENTALThese icons provide limited information about theMANAGEMENT firms legal pro bono commitment. More extensive information is reported by the Australian Pro Bono INITIATIVES:Centre and on individual firms websites.Click for further information from AusLSA:RECYCLING99% 100% % 98% OFFICESPAPER3,243 100% USAGE 1 5 R eekg/empl e cycled cone nto y t.7INITIATIVES:Recycled paper purchase specificationPAPER CERTIFICATION:Other Certifications'