b'OUR ENVIRONMENT OUR COMMUNITY OUR GOVERNANCESUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS: SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS: SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS:Sustainability and Social Impact is one of the firms key strategicAs a law firm, Gadens has a privileged and professional standing thatGadens has an Operational Risk Management and Compliance pillars. Gadens has also adopted the United Nations Sustainableconfers a responsibility to contribute to the betterment of ourFramework that is underpinned by our values and prescribes our Development Goals framework and pledged to reach Net Zero bycommunity. This includes our professional and ethical responsibilityapproach to corporate governance, risk management and 2030. to enhance access to the legal system, assisting disadvantaged andcompliance with legal and regulatory requirements. The marginalised people and embracing the concept of corporate socialframework incorporates extensive business continuity and Our Melbourne and Sydney Offices are certified as Carbonresponsibility.disaster recovery protocols.Neutral by Climate Active.Gadens is a signatory to the Australian Pro Bono Centres NationalOur interaction with clients, contractors and suppliers is guided Gadens aims to be recognised as an environmentally responsiblePro Bono Target, which encourages lawyers to subscribe to aby this framework. For each decision that is made, we undertake business that respects the environment and communities in whichvoluntary target of 35 hours of pro bono work per annum. We arean analysis of the likelihood and impact that a particular risk or it operates. We believe our commitment to managing ourcommitted to meeting or exceeding this target across the firm.group of risks may have on the firms operations, and ensure that operations in an environmentally sustainable manner will maximisemitigating controls and / or actions are put in place to minimise the likelihood of occurrence or impact. In support of our actions, value for the firm and all our stakeholders.We are committed toThe key priority areas that form the basis of our pro bono programwe have policies and procedures in place that govern the firm minimising adverse environmental impacts and reducing ourare:and ensure our compliance with all relevant laws.environmental footprint by continually reviewing operations and improving the efficiency of our natural resource consumption.Indigenous AustraliansOur Operational Risk Management and Compliance Framework Refugees and asylum seekerscovers the following areas: Our initiatives are focused around:Mental healthGovernance and Ethics, Achieving net zero emissions.Workplace Health and Safety (WHS), Reducing our power consumption and minimising energy use.We partner with community legal centres including; Arts Law, IARC,Quality, Reducing paper usage or only using carbon neutral, acid-freeASRC, Moonee Valley Legal Service, Womens Legal Service and theSustainability, paper from farmed trees.Mental Health Legal Service. Procurement, and Moving towards a more electronic way of working across theBusiness Continuity. firm. Making environmentally sustainable procurement decisions andOur Boards and Executive Management Teams operate within ensuring our key, discretional suppliers are adopting sustainablethe above governance framework and are accountable for their business practices wherever possible.respective areas of responsibility. Equity and other partner meetings are held as required.CLIMATEINDIGENOUSCODE OF CONDUCT ACTIONRECONCILIATION /RISK MANAGEMENTINITIATIVES:INITIATIVES:TelecommutingGreen Star rated buildings 4-6 starNational Reconciliation Action PlanCultural awareness trainingNAIDOC Week Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGERs) compliant reporting National Reconciliation WeekInternships and employmentTeleconferencing facilities and trainingPolicy on flight offsets Scholarships and student mentoringAffirmative ATSI procurementEarth HourRide to Work DayEnd of trip facilitiesClimate Active Pro bono supportVolunteering and secondmentsCollaboration for ProgramNABERSs Energy RatingClimate Active - Carbon NeutralreconciliationFunding and donationsIndigenous Business Month Efficient building and lighting automationRenewable ElectricityCareerTrackers participation SUSTAINABLE SUPPLYVoluntary Carbon OffsetsEnergy audits in previous two yearsCHAIN MANAGEMENTGROSS EMISSIONS NON LEGAL 73t - 0.11t per employee VOLUNTEERING 42%0% 1.0% 0.75tINITIATIVES: 1.0%NFP BoardsOrganised staff volunteeringPaid volunteer timeSecondments to NFPsSkilled volunteering programCommunity volunteeringArts supportSUPPLIER STANDARDS COVER:CPD for community sector lawyersHuman rightsEnvironmental impactsFair labour practices 99% 0%Community developmentIndigenous inclusionGender equality 72tModern SlaveryDiversity and InclusionFraud bribery & corruption 99% CHARITABLE UN Global compact and SDGs0 .1t/e oy e e 0 t/eploy e e %plGIVINGm m100% SUSTAINABILITY CARBON REPORTINGOFFSETS INITIATIVES:Firm donation programCharitable foundationWorkplace givingMatched fundingfor employee donationsInternal appeals and collections NET EMISSIONSExternal charity events and appealsHost external charity events REPORTING COVERS:0t - 0t per employeeStandalone ESG/ sustainability reportStandalone environmental LEGALsustainability reportENVIRONMENTAL PRO BONO MANAGEMENT These icons provide limited information about the firms legal pro bono commitment. More extensive INITIATIVES:information is reported by the Australian Pro Bono Centre and on individual firms websites. CitySwitch Green Office Click for further information from AusLSA:RECYCLING100% 100% 99% % OFFICESPAPER40,527 0% USAGE 6 R4 e e tk g/employ e cycled cont e nINITIATIVES:Paperlite office programGreen accredited paper purchase specificationFollow me printingPAPER CERTIFICATION:Forestry Stewardship Council (FSC) certifiedNCOS Certified Carbon Neutral'