b'2024 AusLSAOUR PEOPLE OUR ENVIRONMENTSUSTAINABILITY SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS: SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS:PROFILE FPA is committed to supporting our employees through health andOver the last two years, FPA has reduced the overall footprint wellbeing initiatives. Our programs include access to informationof our Australian offices by 40%. Our priorities were two fold, through a number of channels including external guest speakers toto minimise our environmental impact and to deliver on our present on a range of topics focused on employee wellbeing. Wedesign vision of Nurturing Connections. To achieve these have provided additional supports for employees preparing to takegoals, we have directed our efforts to reducing our Parental Leave which has included access to specialist parental leaveenvironmental footprint, whilst providing our staff with a coaching.Many of our employees and leaders participate in Mentalworking from office environment built specifically to enhance Health First Aid training and we currently have 18 certified Mentalcollaboration, support ergonomic needs and uphold our ESG Health First Aid Officers. We have also provided Health andpillars. In selecting the locations of our new offices, we were Wellbeing training to our Leadership team. We recognise that a greatcareful to ensure close proximity to multiple forms of public workplace culture is built and reinforced by all employees and havetransport to minimise the need for travelling to work by car. set a goal for all individuals to contribute to building a collaborativeOur Green Team has focussed on various initiatives culture. Access to flexible work arrangements is an important enablerthroughout the year, including supporting the National event for people at every stage of the employment lifecycle. In addition to aof Ride 2 Work Day, National Recycling Week and Earth Hour. comprehensive range of flexible working options including workingWe have supported a team member with individual and gift from anywhere (WFA) globally, we offer employees 4 days mentalmatched donations when participating in the last ever Oxfam health and wellbeing leave as well as birthday leave. We areWalk and also in the Annual Nature Walk Challenge. Now that re-trialling our compressed working fortnight initiative to improvewe have addressed the primary area of our office upon challenges previously raised by employees and if successful, canenvironmental footprint, we continue to focus on recycling offer improved work-life balance, flexibility and autonomy. efforts, other ways in which we can all contribute to FPA Patent Attorneys sustainability initiatives, caring for the environment and living our ESG statement.Headcount:74 (FTE)Floor Area:817m2Number of Offices : 2 GENDER40% 44% 89% 80% CLIMATEEQUALITY ACTIONFPA Patent Attorneys (FPA) is an independent, top-tier, Australian based,INITIATIVES:TelecommutingGreen Star rated buildings 4-6 starEnergy efficient private incorporated registered attorneyINITIATIVES:refits undertakenSpecify energy efficient appliancesTeleconferencing firm. International Womens DayFemale advancement, mentoring and coaching facilities and trainingEarth HourRide to Work DayEnd of trip Training - Gender awareness unconscious bias Internal D&I committeeEqualfacilitiesNABERSs Energy RatingEfficient building and lighting With over 70 staff in Melbourne andpay controlsShowcasing gender diversity experiences automationSydney our primary focus is on two areas of intellectual property, patents andINCLUSIVEGROSS EMISSIONSdesigns. WORKPLACE 376t - 5.1t per employee We are the only Intellectual Property firm6.5% 0%in Australia with this degree ofBUILDINGS 25tspecialisation. Our clients truly value theINITIATIVES:6.6% Recruitment and promotion for D&IInternal D&I committee 0.0 2m3t/deep expertise that our attorneys are Membership - DCATraining - Awareness and unconscious bias known for. Training - LGBTQ+ awarenessWear it Purple Day0% 93%In all that we do, our values of excellence, Internal LGBTQ+ committeeGender pronouns promotion TRAVEL 351tcollaboration, care and trust underpin our4 93%.7t/e e eFLEXIBLEploymwork with our clients and with each other.WORKPLACE 18.0 18.0 100% 0% 0%GREEN ENERGY INITIATIVES:Flexible work hoursAltered start and finish timesPart time optionsJobNET EMISSIONSsharingRemote working tools and systemsSupport for flexible workingTime in lieuUnpaid leaveCarers leaveStudy leaveVolunteering leave 376t - 5.1t per employeePurchased leaveCareer breaksSubsidised childcarePhased retirementAdjusted KPIs after absencesSabbaticalsBonus leaveDomestic violence leaveFamily and fertility leave ENVIRONMENTAL PSYCHOLOGICAL MANAGEMENT WELLBEING INITIATIVES:World Environment DayOffice green teamsINITIATIVES:Beyond Blue programR U OK? programBlack Dog Institute programPsychological support/ EAPMental health first aid training and supportRECYCLING100% Mental Health Awareness WeekTraining - Mental health awareness and managementExternal mental health programs hosting OFFICES Domestic violence support strategyMental health First Aid officersPHYSICALPAPERWELLBEINGUSAGE INITIATIVES: INITIATIVES: Paperlite office programGreen accredited paper purchase specificationErgonomics programProactive health checksFlu vaccinationsInternal Follow me printingRecycled paper purchase specificationexercise sessionsGym membershipsTeam eventsMassagesWellnessPAPER CERTIFICATION: awareness and promotionSubsidised health insuranceOnsite fruit and healthy NCOS Certified Carbon NeutralPEFC Australian Forestry standardcateringErgonomics program - offsiteHealth EAP'