b'OUR ENVIRONMENT OUR COMMUNITY OUR GOVERNANCESUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS: SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS: SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS:McCullough Robertsons environmental initiatives areOur strategy includes pro bono work, partner and staff donations andWe adopt a corporate leadership model with senior coordinated by an Environmental Committee made up of thescholarships, sponsorships, staff community activities, fundraisingmanagement responsibility resting with the Executive Chief Operating Officer, Chief People Officer, lawyers,and volunteering.Our areas cover: Access to justice and communityCommittee and Joint Managing Partners (JMPs).The support staff including IT representatives.The keyarts; Health and mental health; Diversity and inclusion; andExecutive (four equity partners, one of whom is the Chair) responsibilities of the Environmental Committee are:Sustainability.Examples of our programs and activities includesets the strategic direction and reviews performance.The providing prioritisation and recommended next steps forsupporting new and start-up non-profit and community basedJMPs are responsible for day to day management, ideas to be worked on by environmental teams endorsingentities, governance and training for new and existing organisationsimplementing the strategic plan and managing financial processes to be followed by each environmental team toand supporting indigenous organisations and programs.We alsoperformance.Industry Groups coordinate our market facing investigate, analyse and implement ideas; determiningencourage our lawyers to take up board roles with communityapproach and report to the Executive.Our Chief Operating information requirements for each type of idea e.g.organisations.We have signed up to Pro Bono AustraliasOfficer and Chief People Officer work with the Executive and investment budget, business case determinants, risks andAspirational Target.Our activities include: establishing charitableJMPs and are responsible for the Business Support Services internal and external resources; establishing metrics to trackentities, corresponding tax concession endorsement advice,functions.Our committees report to Executive: Ethics - progress by environmental teams and the environmentalemployment relations, intellectual property, privacy, and property. assess and manage potential conflicts of interest and ethical program overall; and oversight of appropriateAs a founding member of the Queensland Public Interest Lawissues; Risk - monitor claims, complaints, risk management communications and engagement activities to ensure all staffClearing House (now known as LawRight), we accept pro bonoprogram outcomes and other risk issues, identify trends, are kept informed and involved. matters referred through a number of its clinics and also support Artsimplement strategies to minimise risk and continuously Law, Justice Connect and the Fair Work Commission Workplaceimprove our risk management systems; Diversity and Advice Service.We have established a number of long terminclusion - review and change work practices to make partnerships with community organisations, which provide our staffMcCullough Robertson a competitive and desirable place for with opportunities to get involved in tangible ways.all staff and where professionals can develop their careers; Innovation - consider, approve, prioritise and drive implementation of innovation projects and ideas; and Legal Environmental Action Forum - develop sustainability policy and goals to reduce our environmental footprint and raise environmental awareness.CLIMATEINDIGENOUSCODE OF CONDUCT ACTIONRECONCILIATION /RISK MANAGEMENTINITIATIVES:TelecommutingGreen Star rated buildings 4-6 starEnergy efficientINITIATIVES: refits undertakenSpecify energy efficient appliancesTeleconferencing Reconciliation Action PlanCultural awareness trainingNAIDOC Weekfacilities and trainingECO-BuyPolicy on flight offsetsEarth HourNational Reconciliation WeekInternships and employmentScholarshipsRide to Work DayEnd of trip facilitiesNABERSs Energy Ratingand student mentoringAffirmative ATSI procurementPro bono support Efficient building and lighting automationRenewable ElectricityVolunteering and secondmentsCollaboration for reconciliationFunding andVoluntary Carbon Offsets donationsIndigenous Literacy Day SUSTAINABLE SUPPLY GROSS EMISSIONS NON LEGAL CHAIN MANAGEMENT616t - 1.8t per employee VOLUNTEERING %0% 0.95% 172t28% INITIATIVES:NFP BoardsOrganised staff volunteeringPaid volunteer timeSecondments to NFPsSkilled volunteering program 71% 1.4%Community volunteering SUPPLIER STANDARDS COVER: 444tHuman rightsEnvironmental impactsFair labour practicesFair 1 0 72% consumer and competition practicesCommunity development.3t/e e . 0 2t/e e e CHARITABLEIndigenous inclusionGender equalityModern SlaveryDiversity and oy e m lopl p yGIVING 90% InclusionFraud bribery & corruptionUN Global compact and SDGsm27%CARBON OFFSETS SUSTAINABILITY INITIATIVES:Firm donation programCharitable foundationWorkplace giving REPORTING Matched fundingfor employee donationsInternal appeals and collections NET EMISSIONSExternal charity events and appealsHost external charity events450t - 1.3t per employeeLEGAL ENVIRONMENTAL PRO BONO MANAGEMENTThese icons provide limited information about the firms legal pro bono commitment. More extensive information is reported by the Australian Pro Bono Centre and on individual firms websites.Click for further RECYCLING100% 100% 100% 100% information from AusLSA: OFFICESPAPER17,167 16.1% USAGE 5 R0k g/emploe e e cycled cone nty tINITIATIVES:Follow me printingRecycled paper purchase specificationPAPER CERTIFICATION:Forestry Stewardship Council (FSC) certifiedNCOS Certified Carbon NeutralOther CertificationsPEFC Australian Forestry standard'