b'OUR ENVIRONMENT OUR COMMUNITY OUR GOVERNANCESUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS: SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS: SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS:Allens has a longstanding commitment to sustainability that isAllens Community Engagement Program includes our pro bonoAllens seeks to maintain the highest ethical standards and inspired and driven by a network of Sustainabilitypractice, reconciliation commitments, sustainability work anddoes not tolerate discrimination, harassment and Committees, made up of partners and staff.philanthropy.bullying in the workplace. Our Respect and fairness policy is We have set a near term, science-based target to reduceAcross our Program, our people contribute their time and expertisesupported by a Resolving issues policy, and multiple avenues absolute scope 1, 2 and 3 greenhouse gas emissions by 50 perto work on pro bono matters and other community initiatives, with ato raise concerns including an anonymous tell us anything cent by FY2030, from a FY2019 base year. Our target hasparticular focus on improving access to justice, alleviatingtool.Our approach to resolving concerns is built on fairness, been validated by the Science Based Targets initiative.disadvantage, advancing reconciliation and promoting sustainability.transparency and support for all, including access to a free, In FY24, we also maintained certification as an organisationOur history of leadership in pro bono and community work has seenindependent and confidential counselling service for all staff for our Australian offices through the Australian Governmentsus lead the way on constitutional recognition, climate action andand their immediate family members. The firm has an Ethics Climate Active Carbon Neutral Program. Our continuedrefugee rights.code, an Anti-corruption policy and a Fraud prevention efforts to reduce our energy use, greenhouse gas emissionsOur Program is overseen by a Community Engagement Board andpolicy. The firms Office of General Counsel also provides and paper use have included matching energy use for ourmanaged by a dedicated team. Our pro bono practice is an integralguidance and training to staff, as well as the firms annual Sydney, Melbourne, Perth and Brisbane offices with thepart of Allens legal work. We give free legal assistance toreminder of key policies. When purchasing goods and equivalent of 100 per cent GreenPower accredited energy,disadvantaged individuals and a range of NGOs to promote access toservices, Allens takes into account environmental, social and and promotion of digital working practices.justice and protect human rights. We aim for an average of at least 50ethical considerations and encourages our suppliers to adopt hours pro bono work per lawyer each year.practices to minimise their impacts. We promote supplier Through our Sustainability Committees, we participate indiversity and economic inclusion by identifying opportunities events such as World Environment Day, National Plant-a-TreeAllens funds charitable projects that make a real impact andto support and work with suppliers owned by Day and National Recycling Week, offer climate actionencourages staff involvement with community including through ourunderrepresented groups. Through our First Nations education sessions and organise campaigns to promotematched funding program and volunteering. Weve had formalengagement plan, and as a member of Supply Nation, Allens awareness of environmental issues and environmentallycommitments to supporting reconciliation since we launched our firstalso supports and seeks to engage First Nations-owned responsible practices. Reconciliation Action Plan in 2009. Through First Nationsbusinesses in our supply chain. engagement initiatives, Allens creates employment opportunities, builds capacity through staff secondments and supports access to education.CLIMATEINDIGENOUSCODE OF CONDUCT ACTIONRECONCILIATION /RISK MANAGEMENTINITIATIVES:INITIATIVES:TelecommutingEnergy efficient refits undertakenSpecify energy Cultural awareness trainingNAIDOC WeekNational Reconciliation Week efficient appliancesTeleconferencing facilities and trainingEnd of trip Internships and employmentScholarships and student mentoringAffirmative facilitiesClimate Active ProgramClimate Active - Carbon NeutralATSI procurementPro bono supportVolunteering and secondmentsEfficient building and lighting automationRenewable Electricity Collaboration for reconciliationFunding and donationsVoluntary Carbon OffsetsIndigenous Literacy DaySupply Nation Membership SUSTAINABLE SUPPLY GROSS EMISSIONS NON LEGAL CHAIN MANAGEMENT2,513t - 1.4t per employee VOLUNTEERING %0.07% 0.70% 19.1t0.76% INITIATIVES:Organised staff volunteeringStudent tutoring and mentoringSecondments to NFPsSkilled volunteering programCommunity volunteering 96% 3.4%Arts supportCPD for community sector lawyers SUPPLIER STANDARDS COVER: 2,494tHuman rightsEnvironmental impactsFair labour practices 1 0 99%Fair consumer and competition practicesCommunity development .4t/e e . 0 5t/e e e CHARITABLE Indigenous inclusionGender equalityModern Slavery poy e m lom l p y %Diversity and InclusionFraud bribery & corruptionGIVINGUN Global compact and SDGs100%CARBON OFFSETS INITIATIVES:SUSTAINABILITYFirm donation programWorkplace givingMatched fundingfor employee REPORTINGdonationsInternal appeals and collectionsExternal charity events and appeals NET EMISSIONSHost external charity events0t - 0t per employeeREPORTING COVERS: Website - ESG targets and performance informationWebsite - LEGALEnvironmental sustainability targets and performance informationENVIRONMENTAL PRO BONO Website - ESG commitments informationWebsite - Environmental sustainability commitments informationMANAGEMENTUN Global Compact and SDGsCDP ReportingThese icons provide limited information about the INITIATIVES:firms legal pro bono commitment. More extensiveWorld Environment DayOffice green teamsinformation is reported by the Australian Pro BonoCitySwitch Green Office Centre and on individual firms websites.Click for further information from AusLSA:RECYCLING100% 100% 100% 100% OFFICESPAPER32,934 18.4% USAGE 1 R8.9kg/emplo y e e e cycled cone nttINITIATIVES:Paperlite office programGreen accredited paper purchase specificationFollow me printingPAPER CERTIFICATION:Forestry Stewardship Council (FSC) certifiedNCOS Certified Carbon NeutralOther CertificationsPEFC Australian Forestry standard'