b'CASE STUDY: CLAYTON UTZCHALLENGESMany corporates face challenges in embeddingReconciliation Australias tiered RAP framework reconciliation efforts into core businessencourages organisations to continuously improve operations. For large organisations, integratingtheir internal practices, policies, and external these initiatives often requires balancing culturalactivities, while fostering culturally safe workplaces and strategic priorities. A common challenge isfor First Nations peoples. RAPs require annual ensuring that reconciliation goes beyond symbolicreporting through the RAP Impact Survey, with gestures and becomes embedded in everydayReconciliation Australia holding organisations operations. This requires developing long-termaccountable for their commitments. This strategies to create culturally safe environmentsframework highlights the importance of corporate and increase First Nations representation, all ofaccountability and drives the creation of inclusive which demand sustained focus and resources. environments to support the recruitment and retention of First Nations employees.SOLUTIONS AND ACTIONSWe worked closely with Reconciliation AustraliaThese initiatives were embedded into the firms to develop our Stretch RAP, ensuring certaindaily operations to ensure reconciliation became policies were in place and that our actions hada continuous practice rather than a series of one-progressed to a suitable point. A RAP does notoff activities.exist in isolation. Participating in the IndigenousLeadership support was crucial in advancing Employment Index, operated by the Minderooour RAP to the Stretch level. The RAP Working Foundations Generation One, allowed us toGroup collaborated with different departments benchmark ourselves against other organisationsto set ambitious targets, knowing that the firms to measure and identify practices to increase andleadership fully backed these efforts. Once improve employment outcomes. This invaluableendorsed by Reconciliation Australia, our RAP was roadmap shaped our RAP.launched across all offices, with RAP Committees A key priority for the firm was creating a culturallysharing the key commitments. Employees safe workplace. We integrated reconciliation intowere invited to participate in the Reconciliation everyday operations through cultural awarenessAustralia Workplace RAP Barometer to gather training, educational events, and pro bono legalfeedback and guide future actions.support for First Nations clients. RECOMMENDATIONSBased on our experience, we offer the following recommendations for firms developing or advancing their RAP:Identify Key Priorities: Focus on areas forEmbed Reconciliation into Everyday improvement, such as fostering a culturallyPractices: Ensure reconciliation initiatives are safe workplace, to create a strong foundationpart of your firms daily operations through for your RAP. ongoing cultural training and community Leadership Commitment: Secure strongengagement.support from leadership to drive RAPBenchmark Progress: Use external initiatives and set ambitious goals.benchmarks like the Indigenous Employment Index to assess your firms progress and shape your RAP goals.A RAP is a continuous journey, but one that delivers valuable benefits to your firm, First Nations peoples, and the broader community.27'