b'OUR ENVIRONMENT OUR COMMUNITY OUR GOVERNANCESUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS: SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS: SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS:Mullins is committed to identifying opportunities to reduce theMullins Lawyers is committed to giving back to the community inAt Mullins Lawyers (Mullins) we recognise the crucial role that environmental impact of its operations and implementingwhich we operate. We do this in several ways including providing progovernance and sustainability play in shaping a better future initiatives that have a positive impact on the environment. Thebono legal services, engaging local suppliers for goods and servicesfor our clients, employees, and the community in which we firms actions are guided by a commitment to the Sustainabilitywe purchase and supporting local charities and communities in need. operate. Our commitment to these principles is deeply Development Goals (SDGs) developed and adopted by theingrained in our values and operations. As a result, we have United Nations in 2015. Alignment to the SDGs supports us inOur Charities Committee oversees the firms formal charity activitiesdeveloped a comprehensive approach to governance and both ensuring our sustainability policy is purpose-driven andand meets four times a year to identify opportunities to give back tosustainability that guides our priorities and actions. reporting on our actions in language that is consistent with athe community. This includes selecting a yearly charity to support, common global framework.which is put forward by staff across the firm. The firms priorities have been focused on ethical and transparent practices, diversity and inclusion, environmental In 2022 we commissioned a carbon audit of the firmsThroughout the year the firm encourages staff to participate inresponsibility, and community engagement.operations by Katestone Environmental Pty Ltd which providedworkplace-based activities to support and raise funds for the selected a baseline on current greenhouse gas emissions and energyyearly charity, these activities include breakfast clubs, raffles, casualTo reinforce our commitment to these priorities, we consumption as well as informing carbon offset and renewabledress days and chocolate box sales. These donations are presentedestablished robust guiding policies. Our Environmental, energy decisions. to a charity representative at the Annual Christmas Day of Giving. Social and Governance Committee, comprising equity partners, oversees the implementation and enforcement of This audit has informed our; carbon reduction targets, carbonIn addition to our selected annual charity, the firm supports a numberour sustainability and governance policies. This committee offset choices, energy reduction targets and renewable energyof national well-being and charity days during the year. Theensures that our actions align with our values and are choices (noting the building we occupy as a tenant has achievedfundraising activities and internal presentations are led by theconsistently integrated into our operations. a 6.0 star NABERS Energy rating (including GreenPower), a 4.0Diversity and Inclusion Committee. star Water rating, and a 3.5 star Waste rating. Our environmental initiatives include a net carbon emission target, paper lite program, staff education and support, carbon neutral firm travel target, comprehensive recycling program, social impact and opportunities, governance impact and working towards obtaining a Climate Active Certification.CLIMATEINDIGENOUSCODE OF CONDUCT ACTIONRECONCILIATION /RISK MANAGEMENTINITIATIVES:TelecommutingGreen Star rated buildings 4-6 starNationalINITIATIVES: Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGERs) compliant reporting Cultural awareness trainingNAIDOC WeekFunding and donations Teleconferencing facilities and trainingEarth HourEnd of trip facilitiesNABERSs Energy RatingEfficient building and lighting automationEnergy audits in previous two years NON LEGAL GROSS EMISSIONSVOLUNTEERING % SUSTAINABLE SUPPLY 163t - 1.9t per employee CHAIN MANAGEMENTINITIATIVES: 0% 0.20% 159tNFP BoardsOrganised staff volunteeringPaid volunteer time 98%Blood donationsCommunity volunteeringCHARITABLE 0.84% 1.6% 3.9tGIVING %2.4%0 . 0 2t/e y e e 0 . 0 3t/e y e epo pom l m lINITIATIVES: 0%Internal appeals and collectionsExternal charity events and appealsHost CARBONexternal charity eventsOFFSETSLEGAL NET EMISSIONSPRO BONO163t - 1.9t per employeeThese icons provide limited information about the firms legal pro bono commitment. More extensive information is reported by the Australian Pro Bono ENVIRONMENTALCentre and on individual firms websites. MANAGEMENT Click for further information from AusLSA:INITIATIVES:World Environment DayRECYCLING100% 100% 100% 100% OFFICESPAPER4,204 0% USAGE 4 R8 e tmploy e e ccont e nk g/e ycledINITIATIVES:Paperlite office programGreen accredited paper purchase specificationFollow me printingPAPER CERTIFICATION:PEFC Australian Forestry standard'