b'CASE STUDY: DLA PIPERCHALLENGESConveying to leadership a clear understandingexpectations, future macroeconomic changes, and of the firms emissions footprint and the complexdynamic and complex regulatory landscapes (for regulatory landscape is key to delivering onexample in the UK, Europe, Australia and New strategy. Zealand mandatory climate reporting is being Establishing a baseline and collecting andestablished).reporting accurate and consistent data acrossTo sustain performance and delivery against SBTs, multiple offices and locations can be challenging. an ongoing review of processes and technologies, Not all jurisdictions have data readily availableintegration into ways of working and indeed work or the resources to report as accurately as otherprogrammes, plus of course well understood jurisdictions.investment is required. Backed up by integration DLA PIPER into governance and internal and external In addition, we have had to navigate and mitigatereportingaligned to all other business areas. the emerging risks arising from shifting external SOLUTIONS AND ACTIONSWe worked with an external consultant toBy setting an ambitious SBT, were keeping develop a strategic SBTs roadmap. our business resilient and ready for the rapidly An International Energy and Climate Changeemerging legislation on emissions reduction and Committee (IECC) comprised of leaders acrossclimate impact and the cascading government the business has been established to targetrequirements.reductions within key emissions hotspots areasA new cloud-based data management system including sustainable procurement, businesswas introduced to collect, analyse, and report travel, future office premises, and energyour data consistently. It plays a crucial role in optimisation.monitoring our performance and ensuring we meet our reporting obligations.RECOMMENDATIONSReflecting on our journey, we recommend the following steps for other law firms aiming to a create an SBTi approved goal:Map your operationsCollaborate across departments Start by mapping out your carbon footprintBring together teams from relevant and identifying areas where emissionsdepartments to develop a unified approach reductions can have the most significantand to embed sustainability into business-as-impact. If you have done work in the modernusual practices.slavery space, this will be a similar task.Be transparent Invest in technologyRegularly report on your progress and be Implement a robust data managementopen about challenges, learning and even system to support consistent and verifiableshortcomings. Align your SBTi commitments reporting. with other recognised reporting standards Engage and train your workforceto provide stakeholders with a clear and Ensure that everyone from senior leadershipuniversally recognised view of your efforts. to business support staff understand the importance of the SBTi goals and how their role can contribute to the firms success.21'