b'2023 AusLSAOUR PEOPLE OUR ENVIRONMENTSUSTAINABILITY SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS: SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS:PROFILE Our people epitomise our culture at Hunt & Hunt. Our values of trust,At Hunt & Hunt, following sustainable practices means more teamwork, excellence, innovation and passion are the bedrock ofthan token gestures. We have many practices in place to everything we do. These values are a solid base on which we canreduce our impact on the environment, and through our local continue to nurture and grow a culture that is inclusive, friendly, fun,environment committees we continually strive to deepen this collaborative, open and positive. We respect the values of ourcommitment. In fact, we regard sustainability as a key element employees, providing conditions of work above industry standard andof Hunt & Hunts responsibility as a business leader. We are equal opportunities for all. Our employees thrive through training,committed to integrating sustainable business practises in our developing their intellectual capacity for their greater benefit andwork culture and empowering our people to take personal quality of life. We are not your usual law firm - a high percentage ofownership of the firms and their individual environmental our staff have flexible working arrangements at all levels of the firm.impact. We understand the threat that climate change poses We focus on our employees health and wellbeing, in particular theirto the international landscape, both economically and mental health. We have a series of programs around our health andenvironmentally. As an organisation, we look to opportunities wellbeing program to assist our employees with this and we promoteto reduce and offset the energy demands of our practice and and encourage our staff to maintain a healthy work life balance. Weencourage our staff to engage in activities which also aid this, recognise and value the differences that make each of us unique.such as promoting the use public transport through fee Through encouraging and promoting diverse ways of thinking, and bysubsidies. We also encourage the development of adaptation embracing a culture of inclusion, we will attract and retain the beststrategies to reduce the effects of global warming on our people and enable them to perform to their full potential. environment, and ensure our business activities are proactively responding to this risk.Hunt & HuntHeadcount:137 (FTE)Floor Area:4,509m2Number of Offices : 4 GENDER32% 56% 81% 100% CLIMATEEQUALITY ACTIONEstablished in 1929, Hunt & Hunt is a vibrant national law firm that deliversINITIATIVES: INITIATIVES: TelecommutingEnergy efficient refits undertakenSpecify energy tailored legal advice to clients throughout International Womens DayLCA Diversity and Inclusion CharterEquitableefficient appliancesTeleconferencing facilities and trainingEarth Hour Australia. Our broad client base includesbriefing pledge (e.g. CommBar/LCA)Female advancement, mentoring and End of trip facilitiesEfficient building and lighting automationcoachingTraining - Gender awareness unconscious biasGender sensitive not-for-profit organisations, large andpromotion and recruitmentLSNSW Charter - Advancement of WomenEqualGROSS EMISSIONSsmall businesses, government (federal,pay controlsShowcasing gender diversity experiences 47t - 0.35t per employee state and local), major insurance firms and private clients. Today, our firm has a strongINCLUSIVE89% 0%national footprint with 35 partners and WORKPLACE BUILDINGS 42tapproximately 250 professionals who0.00 89%strive to deliver the highest quality legalm 29t/services. We are a founding, and the onlyINITIATIVES:0.36% 8.7%Australian member of Interlaw, an Recruitment and promotion for D&ILCA Diversity and Inclusion CharterTRAVEL 5.1tinternational network of quality monitored, Training - Awareness and unconscious biasStaff Surveys - D&ITraining -0 10.7%. 0 3t/e e ecorporate, commercial and independentor committeesPro bono supportExternal LGBTQ+ programs hostingTrainingpo yLGBTQ+ awarenessIDAHOBITWear it Purple DayInternal LGBTQ+ networksm llaw firms spanning more than 150 cities- LGBTQ+ awarenessGender pronouns promotionGender affirmation policy 0% 0%globally. This enables us to provide ourGREEN clients with direct access to specialtyFLEXIBLEENERGY expertise in local jurisdictions and WORKPLACE 16.0 2.0 100%assistance navigating the legal, culturalNET EMISSIONSand language individualities which occur47t - 0.35t per employeewhen working across countries. INITIATIVES:Flexible work hoursPart time optionsJob sharingRemote working tools and systemsSupport for flexible workingTime in lieuUnpaid leaveCarers leave Study leaveReligious and ceremonial leavePurchased leaveCareer breaks ENVIRONMENTALBonus leaveDomestic violence leaveMANAGEMENTPSYCHOLOGICALWELLBEING RECYCLING100%INITIATIVES:Beyond Blue programR U OK? programPsychological support/ EAPMental OFFICEShealth first aid training and supportMental Health Awareness WeekResilience at LawTraining - Mental health awareness and managementDomestic violence strategyMental health office championPAPER PHYSICAL USAGE WELLBEINGINITIATIVES:Paperlite office programGreen accredited paper purchase specificationFollow me printingRecycled paper purchase specificationINITIATIVES:PAPER CERTIFICATION:Ergonomics programProactive health checksFlu vaccinationsInternal Forestry Stewardship Council (FSC) certifiedexercise sessionsGym membershipsTeam eventsWellness awareness and promotionOnsite fruit and healthy cateringErgonomics program - offsiteHealth EAP'