b'CASE STUDY: LANDER & ROGERSCHALLENGESLaw firms collect data from numerous sources,essential. An EMS offers a structured approach to which can make it overwhelming to know whereorganise, identify, and prioritise strategy, vision, to start. Having anchor tools for reference isand actions.SOLUTIONS AND ACTIONSAt Lander & Rogers, we set out to understandThe EMS is our primary tool for managing our our environmental impact not just for regulatoryprogram, organising information to monitor and compliance, but to share learnings andmeasure performance, guide decision-making, influence collective responsibility and action.prioritise resources, ensure accountability, and We recognised we had an enormous amountdrive continuous improvement. An additional of data available within the firm, sourced frombenefit of our EMS is that it has enabled us to our base buildings, utilities, travel companiesbroaden conversations, facilitating ownership and suppliers. We needed to develop systemsof actions and leading to innovative assistance that could simplify the complexity of havingfrom iHub, our data analytics team, to develop this amount of data and enhance our abilityunique BI dashboards from an initial simple Excel to analyse it. The decision makers within ourspreadsheet.governance structures also needed confidence to determine the firms future strategy. RECOMMENDATIONSBased on our experience, we offer the following recommendations for firms developing or advancing their EMS:Leverage industry expertise and focusBuild data-driven mechanisms for on key environmental activities: Workcontinuous improvement: Develop with organisations like AusLSA to create anstructures that capture and analyse EMS tailored to your firms most significantenvironmental data, providing confidence environmental impacts, using customisedthat progress can be monitored, refined, and templates and resources. aligned with firm priorities.Commit to comprehensive planning andEnable strategic transformation with a certification: Embrace the detailed planningrobust EMS: Use insights from your EMS to and certification process to thoroughly identifymake ambitious, achievable decisions that impacts, set targets, allocate resources, anddrive sustainable change within your firm.ensure independent credibility.17'