b'2024 AusLSAOUR PEOPLE OUR ENVIRONMENTSUSTAINABILITY SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS: SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS:PROFILE Bartier Perry is committed to fostering a diverse, positive andBartier Perry is committed to reducing our impact on the inclusive work culture that allows everyone to reach their potentialenvironment through our interactions with our people, our and thrive. Our commitment to DEI is ongoing and has beensuppliers and our clients.successful in supporting and expanding our indigenous recruitmentWe believe this is part of good business practice. We have initiatives and sponsorships. We provide opportunities for all to excel,developed and implemented an Environment Management Policy be equal in the workplace and to have career progression at a pace& Sustainable Procurement Policy, ensuring sustainable practices that suits different life situations. Our Wellbeing Policy supports theare built into our decision making at every level. holistic wellbeing of our people and their families. We have awardFrom analysing and making decisions relating to our own supply winning mentors to support and grow our staff. Our generous,chain through to decisions relating to technology, which reduces gender-neutral parental leave policy offers 20 weeks paid leave, withthe need to print, we actively work to embed sustainability superannuation, for all carers. We invite staff feedback through ourconsiderations throughout our business. We have recycled waste annual engagement survey which shows consistent high levels of staffprograms and initiatives, including for paper, cardboard, plastic, satisfaction, commitment and engagement. We know our mostelectronic waste & organic. Our Travel Policy incorporates the important asset is our people and we actively nurture their wellbeingpurchase of carbon offsets for air travel.through initiatives including:A Flex for All approach allowing staff to access flexible workOur biggest impact is office space, thats why in FY24 we moved options. into a 6 Star Green Star rated building. In embarking on this Increased pro bono work opportunities through the expansion ofjourney, our approach to our new office was with environmental our pro bono program.best practice front of mind. Examples of initiatives include: Bartier Perry LawyersClear career pathways through individually tailored learning andPaper Lite Policy. development goals. Headcount:213 (FTE)Regular social events.Sensor lighting, air conditioning and appliaces using more efficient technology. Floor Area:2,910m2 Incentive program to reward and recognise excellenceEnhanced natural light.Number of Offices : 1Regular participation in community fundraisers. Use of highly recycled content. GENDER24% 59% 82% 40% CLIMATEEQUALITY ACTIONBartier Perry provide highest quality legal services across a wide range of industriesINITIATIVES: including property, construction, financial International Womens DayPay Equity AmbassadorMale Champion ofINITIATIVES:TelecommutingGreen Star rated buildings 4-6 starEnergy efficient services, private clients, education,ChangeEquitable briefing pledge (e.g. CommBar/LCA)Host or lead externalrefits undertakenSpecify energy efficient appliancesTeleconferencing programs and/or forumsFemale advancement, mentoring and coaching insurance, health and government. The Training - Gender awareness unconscious biasGender sensitive promotion andfacilities and trainingPolicy on flight offsetsEarth HourEnd of trip success of clients and the wellbeing of ourrecruitmentInternal D&I networks or committeesEqual pay controlsfacilitiesClimate Active ProgramNABERSs Energy RatingEfficient building and lighting automationForced computer shutdown people is underpinned by clearly DCA major sponsorShowcasing gender diversity experiences Renewable ElectricityVoluntary Carbon Offsets articulated values of collaboration, Women on BoardsEnergy audits in previous two yearsperformance, diversity, equity andGROSS EMISSIONSinclusion, down to earth, innovation,INCLUSIVE150t - 0.70t per employee quality, respect and trust. Bartier Perry WORKPLACEfocuses firmly on providing sustainable,83% 10.8% 142tethical and highest quality legal servicesINITIATIVES:BUILDINGS 95%delivered in a genuinely personalised Recruitment and promotion for D&IInternal D&I networks or committees0.0m 24t/manner. We place our clients and people Membership - DCAExternal D&I programs and/or forums hosting at the centre of all that we do, Training - Awareness and unconscious biasMembership - Aust Network On0.59% 3.0%DisabilityStaff Surveys - D&IMembership - Pride in Diversity7.6tdemonstrating strategic, creative thinking Training - LGBTQ+ awarenessIDAHOBITWear it Purple DayTRAVEL 5.1%combined with technical excellence. We Internal LGBTQ+ networks or committeesPro bono supportTraining -0 . 0 2t/eplo y e emare committed to driving our firm strategyLGBTQ+ awarenessGender pronouns promotionPride MarchMardi Graswhich includes remaining dedicated to our9.3% 4.7%GREEN community and to our ESG responsibilities.FLEXIBLEENERGY Established in 1942 and incorporated in WORKPLACE 20 20 100%2007, Bartier Perry is a privately-owned Australian commercial law firm based inNET EMISSIONSSydney. Supported by a network of trustedINITIATIVES:143t - 0.67t per employeefirms in major Australian centres and Flexible work hoursPart time optionsJob sharingRemote working tools and systemsSupport for flexible workingTime in lieuUnpaid leaveCarers leave internationally, Bartier Perrys 231-strong Study leaveVolunteering leavePurchased leaveCareer breaksENVIRONMENTAL team includes 155 legal staff from partners Phased retirementAdjusted KPIs after absencesBonus leave to paralegals and 76 support and Domestic violence leaveFamily and fertility leaveMANAGEMENTmanagement staff. INITIATIVES: PSYCHOLOGICAL World Environment DayOffice green teams WELLBEINGRECYCLING100%INITIATIVES: OFFICES Beyond Blue programR U OK? programBlack Dog Institute programPsychological support/ EAPMental health first aid training and supportMental Health Awareness WeekTraining - Mental health awareness and managementDomestic violence strategyMental health office champion PAPER PHYSICAL USAGE WELLBEING INITIATIVES:Paperlite office programGreen accredited paper purchase specificationFollow me printingRecycled paper purchase specificationINITIATIVES:Ergonomics programFlu vaccinationsInternal exercise sessionsTeamPAPER CERTIFICATION: eventsMassagesWellness awareness and promotionOnsite fruit and healthy NCOS Certified Carbon NeutralOther CertificationsPEFC Australian cateringErgonomics program - offsiteHealth EAP Forestry standard'