b'OUR ENVIRONMENT OUR COMMUNITY OUR GOVERNANCESUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS: SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS: SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS:Corrs promotes sustainable environmental practices across ourWe have a long history of promoting equality and justice in ourWe are committed to achieving the highest standards of workplaces and works towards preventing, minimising andsociety. Our people are committed, and actively encouraged, toethical conduct. We take active steps to ensure that our addressing harmful environmental impacts. This includessupport disadvantaged and marginalised individuals and groups,people, and those who may provide services on our behalf, addressing our greenhouse gas emissions, energycharities and not-for-profit organisations through pro bono legalcomply with all applicable laws of the countries in which we consumption and waste generation. work, volunteering and workplace giving, all of which form part of ouroperate and conduct business ethically and responsibly.dedicated pro bono and community program.The firm has a dedicated Green Team that coordinates andOur governance structure supports our commitment to implements our environmental sustainability initiatives, withOur program plays an important role in delivering on our purpose:business integrity and ethical conduct. Corrs CEO and Audit oversight from our cross-functional Sustainability Workingimagine, inspire and together create a better future and ourand Risk Management Committee, supported by the COO Group. Our actions are guided by our Environmental Policy,commitments as a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact.and the Chief of Risk and Legal Excellence, are responsible which outlines the way in which environmental considerationsWe do this by: for overseeing the implementation of a risk management must be integrated into the firms business operations.enhancing access to justice, framework that supports a culture of legal and operational strengthening civil society, and excellence within the firm and the ongoing identification and All of our offices are energy rated 5-star or above by thebuilding a sustainable future for all. mitigation of risks at the strategic, operational and project National Australian Built Environment Rating System (NABERS)levels. and the Green Building Council of Australia. We continue toOrganisations we work with include Justice Connect, Refugee Legal, target waste management across all our offices and look forVery Special Kids and Oxfam. We are a signatory to the National ProWe work to identify, prevent and mitigate adverse innovative ways to support sustainable waste practices andBono Target. In the last year, our lawyers performed more thanenvironmental and social impacts, and contribute to a better, contribute to the circular economy. We are in the process of30,497 hours of pro bono amounting to over 45.9 hours per lawyer.more resilient and sustainable future. This includes a moving all of our electricity to renewable energy and we havecomprehensive policy framework to support responsible implemented a number of innovative technologies such asWe support meaningful reconciliation with the First Nations peoplesprocurement, prevent bribery and corruption and protect smart lighting and carbon neutral data centres. of Australia by educating our employees, increasing opportunities forwhistleblowers. We have recently finalised our Modern First Nations communities to participate in legal education andSlavery Policy, which includes a Modern Slavery Response & We are certified as Carbon Neutral by Climate Active and havecareers, developing our engagement with the wider IndigenousRemedy Framework that is consistent with the United recently commenced the process of setting science-basedcommunities and supporting our suppliers, clients and associatesNations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. emissions reduction targets and developing a net-zerothrough our sphere of influence. pathway.CLIMATEINDIGENOUSCODE OF CONDUCT ACTIONRECONCILIATION /RISK MANAGEMENTINITIATIVES:INITIATIVES:TelecommutingGreen Star rated buildings 4-6 starEnergy efficient Cultural awareness trainingNAIDOC WeekNational Reconciliation Week refits undertakenSpecify energy efficient appliancesTeleconferencing Internships and employmentScholarships and student mentoring facilities and trainingEarth HourEnd of trip facilitiesClimate Active Affirmative ATSI procurementPro bono supportVolunteering and ProgramNABERSs Energy RatingClimate Active - Carbon NeutralsecondmentsCollaboration for reconciliationFunding and donations Efficient building and lighting automationRenewable ElectricityIndigenous Literacy DaySupply Nation MembershipVoluntary Carbon OffsetsCareerTrackers participation SUSTAINABLE SUPPLY GROSS EMISSIONSCHAIN MANAGEMENT1,854t - 1.3t per employeeNON LEGALVOLUNTEERING %0.42% 1.8% 521t28% INITIATIVES:NFP BoardsOrganised staff volunteeringPaid volunteer timeBlood donationsStudent tutoring and mentoringSecondments to NFPsSUPPLIER STANDARDS COVER: 70% 1.9%Community volunteeringHuman rightsEnvironmental impactsFair labour practices 1,333tCommunity developmentIndigenous inclusionGender equality 0 0 72%Modern SlaveryDiversity and InclusionFraud bribery & corruption . 9 4t/e y e e . 0 2t/e y e e CHARITABLE UN Global compact and SDGspo pom l m l GIVING %100% CARBONSUSTAINABILITY OFFSETSREPORTINGINITIATIVES:Firm donation programWorkplace givingMatched fundingfor employee NET EMISSIONS donationsInternal appeals and collectionsExternal charity events and appealsREPORTING COVERS:0t - 0t per employeeStandalone ESG/ sustainability reportWebsite - ESG commitments LEGALinformationWebsite - Envrionmental sustainability commitmetsPRO BONO informationUN Global compact and SDGsENVIRONMENTALMANAGEMENT These icons provide limited information about the firms legal pro bono commitment. More extensive information is reported by the Australian Pro Bono INITIATIVES:Centre and on individual firms websites. World Environment DayOffice green teamsClick for further information from AusLSA:RECYCLING100% 100% 100% 100% OFFICESPAPER28,885 0% USAGE2 1 R e tk g/employ e e cycled cont e nINITIATIVES:Green accredited paper purchase specificationFollow me printingPAPER CERTIFICATION:NCOS Certified Carbon NeutralPEFC Australian Forestry standard'