b'2024 AusLSAOUR PEOPLE OUR ENVIRONMENTSUSTAINABILITY SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS: SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS:PROFILE WKs people strategy guides activities geared to creating andAt WK we take seriously our role as a responsible global citizen. maintaining a vibrant and inclusive workplace environment,We have an active Environment & Sustainability Committee where all employees have the opportunity to fulfil their potential,which helps drive our environmental initiatives and raise where individual contributions are valued and diversityawareness of environmental and sustainability issues. is encouraged.We have an externally certified Environmental Management WK ensures equal opportunity through all hiring, promotion andSystem to drive sustainability from within the firm. We have development activities. With a high percentage of women in ouridentified our firms key environmental impacts (energy workforce our key focus is on promoting diversity in leadershipconsumption, paper use, business travel, waste to landfill and positions, in particular the proportionof women in senior roles.sustainable products) and developed a detailed plan to address The Gender Employee Network, tailored career mentoring programthem. and leadership development courses have been established to champion womens professional advancement.Our firm Environmental & Sustainability Policy is externally published and we are now Paperlite, replacing paper with WK fosters a flexible environment - 98% of employees, includingelectronic alternatives.partners, work under a formal flexible arrangement. WK focus onWe have carbon neutral certification.exploring alternatives to traditional ways of working and investWe are committed to understanding and reducing our heavily in technology which allows our staff to perform moreenvironmental impacts, promoting sustainability, and achieving efficiently and remain engaged regardless of where, when and howcontinuous improvement in our environmental performance work is done. Established wellbeing programs (flu vaccinations andacross the business. partnering with Black Dog Institute and RUOK) demonstrate our Wotton Kearney commitment to employees physical and mental health. In February 2023, Wotton Kearney was awarded a silver medalMental Health First-Aid Officers, Staff Partners and EAP provide a in recognition of sustainability achievement by EcoVadis, the Headcount:670 (FTE) support network to assist employees in confidentially dealing withworlds largest and most trusted provider of business Floor Area:5,985m2 personal or workplace issues. sustainability ratings.Number of Offices : 6 GENDER42% 62% 72% 57% CLIMATEEQUALITY ACTIONWotton Kearney is Asia Pacifics insurance & risk legal business. INITIATIVES: Founded in 2002, WK has grown from two International Womens DayLCA Diversity and Inclusion CharterEquitableINITIATIVES:TelecommutingGreen Star rated buildings 4-6 starTeleconferencing partners to 86 partners, over 450 lawyers andbriefing pledge (e.g. CommBar/LCA)Host or lead external programs and/ facilities and trainingEarth HourEnd of trip facilitiesClimate Active or forumsFemale advancement, mentoring and coachingTraining - Gender more than 750 staff across 10 offices inawareness unconscious biasGender sensitive promotion and recruitmentProgramClimate Active - Carbon NeutralEfficient building and Australia, New Zealand and Singapore.Internal D&I networks or committees lighting automationRenewable ElectricityVoluntary Carbon OffsetsWK partners with forward thinking insurersGROSS EMISSIONSand corporates to solve their greatestINCLUSIVE770t - 1.1t per employee challenges. We are the go-to firm in the WORKPLACEregion for the majority of local, global and28% 0% 213tLondon market insurers, as well as brokersBUILDINGS 28%and corporates, particularly with the moreINITIATIVES:0.0m 24t/complex issues facing the market. We are Recruitment and promotion for D&IInternal D&I networks or committees highly regarded in the areas of complex Membership - DCAExternal D&I programs and/or forums hostingTraining0% 70%property, energy and infrastructure claims,- Awareness and unconscious biasStaff Surveys - D&ITraining - LGBTQ+557tawarenessIDAHOBITWear it Purple DayInternal LGBTQ+ networks orTRAVELgeneral liability (including product liability,committeesTraining - LGBTQ+ awarenessGender pronouns promotion0 72%. 8 1t/e e eproperty damage and public liability), and InterFirm events po ym lfinancial lines (including D&O, regulatory0% 0%investigations and professional liabilityGREEN claims). FLEXIBLE26 8.0 100% ENERGYWORKPLACEWK also has specialist teams in the areas of cyber, privacy and technology, government,NET EMISSIONShealthcare, marine and transport, media andINITIATIVES:770t - 1.1t per employeedefamation, workplace and safety, as well as Flexible work hoursPart time optionsJob sharingRemote working tools and a dedicated commercial litigation and classsystemsSupport for flexible workingTime in lieuUnpaid leaveCarers leaveStudy leaveVolunteering leaveReligious and ceremonial leavePurchased actions offering. leaveCareer breaksAdjusted KPIs after absencesSabbaticalsBonus leaveENVIRONMENTAL More than just a law firm, were a community Domestic violence leaveFamily and fertility leaveMANAGEMENTof big thinkers, trail blazers and impactful humans thats committed to making aPSYCHOLOGICALINITIATIVES: difference. Together, with our clients, our WELLBEINGWorld Environment Daypeople and our communities, were creating a legacy that redefines the world of insurance and risk. Together, we are greater. INITIATIVES:RECYCLING100% R U OK? programBlack Dog Institute programPsychological support/ EAPMental health first aid training and supportMental Health Awareness Week OFFICES Training - Mental health awareness and managementExternal mental health programs hostingDomestic violence strategyMental health office championPHYSICALPAPERWELLBEINGUSAGEINITIATIVES:Paperlite office programGreen accredited paper purchase specification INITIATIVES: Follow me printingRecycled paper purchase specification Ergonomics programFlu vaccinationsTeam eventsOnsite fruit and healthy cateringHealth EAP PAPER CERTIFICATION:Forestry Stewardship Council (FSC) certifiedPEFC Australian Forestry standard'