b'MEMBER RESULTS 2024GovernanceGood organisational governance is critical to a law firms effective delivery of sustainability policies and commitments. Sustainability Reportingsupply chain programs in place or in Increasing demands for greater transparencydevelopment. Among the firms with on non-financial performance is permeatingsustainable supply chain programs, modern businesses around the world. As the levelslavery considerations were again the of stakeholder interest in sustainabilitymost popular with 96% of firms including performance increases, so does the demandit in their procurement. The other most for and scrutiny of sustainability reporting. popular elements were human rights (88%), environmental impacts (85%), and the This year, 91% of AusLSA membersinclusion of First Nations people (81%).chose to participate in AusLSAs annual sustainability reporting. More than halfRisk Management and codes of conductpublicly promote the AusLSA SustainabilityA law firms code of conduct dictates social, Insight Report to disclose their sustainabilityethical, and professional standards and risk initiatives and annual progress. management must identify the significant Eregulatory, financial, and reputational risk of CHalf of AusLSAs members also undertake not meeting sustainability expectations.and disclose additional reporting through Nother platforms or sustainability reporting95% of reporting firms have a specific Aframeworks. The most common additionalcode of conduct in place that deals with RNreporting is through ESG or Environmentethics, including bribery, corruption, reporting published on the firms officialfraud, workplace bullying, and sexual website, a standalone ESG or sustainabilityharassment, and the remaining 5% areO VE RISKreport, annual disclosure through UN Globalcurrently developing their codes to includeUR O GMANAGEMENTCompact, and/or CDP reporting. all these components. All members had & CODESa documented complaints and grievance Sustainable Procurementmechanism.The largest portion of any organisations sustainability impact is hidden in those95% of firms have developed and operate SUSTAINABLEgoods and services used as inputs for itsa formal risk management plan that is SUSTAINABILITY PROCUREMENTbusiness operations. reviewed regularly by the leadership team and 93% also have a documented Business The uptake of sustainable supply chainContinuity Plan. REPORTINGmanagement has grown significantly this year. 85% of firms had sustainable'