b'MEMBER RESULTS 2024PeopleSupporting a more engaged, aligned, and productive workforce through diversity and a healthy workplace culture. GENDEREQUITYFLEXIBLEGender Equality 90% of AusLSA members also have a WORKINGLaw firms commitments and standards tospecific LGBTQ policy. Top LGBTQ initiatives improve the balance of opportunity for bothimplemented by members include training men and women are mature and consistent. and awareness, Wear it Purple Day, and promotion of gender pronouns. 1.90% of AusLSA members have gender DIVERSITY Lpolicies, with 62% of those publishedFlexible Working Epublicly. AusLSA members continue to provide flexible working arrangements to employees, P2.The percentage ratio of both femalewith all members providing a flexible working partners and female lawyers continues Oprogram of some kind. In addition to all to increase, now representing 36% andmembers proving study, carers, and unpaid 60%, respectively.Eleave, at least 90% also provide options for 3.Law firms run an average of elevenpart-time working, job sharing, time in lieu, INCLUSIONLGBTI Pgender equality programs and initiativesand career breaks.each year.Psychological and Physical WellbeingThe main gender equality programs andAusLSA members have significantly ramped Rinitiatives implemented by members includeup psychological and physical wellbeing initiatives. The number of AusLSA members policies, gender awareness training, andaddress psychological wellbeing grew toLOGICAL BEI Ufemale mentoring and coaching, equal paywith formal policy-based commitments to diversity and inclusion committees. 93%. Members with physical wellbeingWELL NGODiversity and Inclusion policies also grew to 86%.PSYCHOIn addition to gender equality, AusLSA members diversity and inclusion policies and initiatives have continued to improve, with 97% of members having a diversity policy already implemented or in development. Top diversity initiatives include recruitment and promotion initiatives, training and awareness, L A BEINGand diversity committees.YSIC L EL WPH'